Friday, September 14, 2012

Crazy Boss Hogg wannabe and a Keep Calm shirt

Above is an article from The National Enquirer from 1982.  It tells the story about a politician from Hazard, KY who took his admiration for Boss Hogg too far.  Carroll Fugate was more corrupt than J.D.  It is an entertaining read, but I'm not too sure how true it is, because doing a Google search on Carroll Fugate only brings up articles related to Dukes.  And it does come from the National Enquirer.

I not really up on the whole "Keep Calm And..." craze.  But going to Comic-Con, and other geek-oriented things so often, I have seen many different variations of it.  The first one I saw was for Doctor Who so I thought they were all a parody of that. Not until I googled it for this post did I learn that it is actually a parody of a WWII era British war poster. Weird. Anyway, here is a Dukes version saying "Keep Calm and Yee Haw." I found it on etsy. I like it.

1 comment:

  1. The “Keep Calm and….” craze has been around for a few years here in Britain. It started with a few gift shops selling t shirts and posters of the original WW2 slogan and it has escalated from there. I’ve seen it on t-shirts, posters, mugs, birthday cards etc. I haven’t seen the Dukes shirt before though so good work on finding that one.
